
for Vogue Taiwan & 10/10 HOPE

MrPur by Christian J. Goldsmith hat sich für dieses spannende Kochprojekt mit der Bloggerin Fanning Tseng von Y!PE - YesPleaseEnjoy - für die Vogue Taiwan & den asiatischen organic Laden 10/10 Hope zusammengetan um einfache, köstliche Gerichte mit einem stylischen Twist zu kreieren.


MrPur by Christian J. Goldsmith teamed up for this special cooking project with the blogger Fanning Tseng from Y!PE - YesPleaseEnjoy - for the Vogue Taiwan & the Asian organic shop 10/10 Hope, to create simple, delicious dishes with a stylish twist.

You have to try it. 


Bon appétit !

Spatchcocked Chicken




  • 1 Organic Chicken (1,2kg)
  • 2 Lemons
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 2 tsp room temperature butter
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp organic herbs chopped (your choice: parsley, oregano, thyme, rosemary, lemon thyme)
  • Olive oil



Preheat your oven to 210 degrees Celsius.

Place your chicken, breast side down on a work surface. Starting at the high end, cut it 

along one side of the backbone with kitchen scissors. Turn around the chicken, and then do the same cut along that side. Save backbone for stock making. Flip the chicken and open like a book.

Cut away the tips of the wings from the chicken. Save also for the stock making.

Flatten it out by pressing on the breastbone.

Mix the butter with the chopped herbs, cayenne, lemon zest, salt and pepper.

Gently loosen the skin from the flesh of the breast with your fingers. Transfer your butter

Mixture under the skin of the chicken and distribute by pressing on the chicken skin from the outside. Leave some of the butte mixture aside.

Cut the 2 lemons in slices and place them in a single layer on the baking sheet.

Place your chicken on top. Make sure the chicken sits on the lemons!

Rub the chicken from the outside with the remaining butter mixture and drizzle with some olive oil.

Roast the chicken for 40 – 45 minutes until golden brown or a thermometer inserted reaches 165 degrees in the thickest part.

Place your chicken on carving board and let it rest for at least 10 minutes uncovered. Afterwards carve the chicken. 

Serve et bon appétit !

©Mr PUR by Christian J. Goldsmith

Sweet apple roses


  • 1  Paket frischen Blätterteig oder selbstgemacht
  • 2-3 rote Äpfel
  • 5 EL Marillen Marmelade
  • Saft von 1 Zitrone
  • Puderzucker, gemahlenen Zimt (Dekoration)


Den Ofen auf 190 C Umluft vorheizen.

Äpfel waschen, halbieren nachdem das obere und untere Ende schmal abgeschnitten wurde. Kerngehäuse entfernen. Anschließend die Äpfel in dünne Spalten schneiden, in eine Schüssel geben und mit dem Zitronensaft beträufeln. 

Den Blätterteig aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und längs in 6 gleichmässige Streifen schneiden.

Nacheinander jeweils etwas von der Marillen Marmelade der Länge nach auf den Blätterteig aufstreichen.

Die Äpfel mit einem Küchenpapier etwas abtupfen und der Reihe nach, mit der Schalenseite nach oben auf den Blätterteig auflegen.

Danach das untere Ende des Blätterteigstreifens über die Apfelspalten falten und leicht andrücken. 

Den gefüllten Blätterteigstreifen nun von der einen Seite her beginnend anfangen vorsichtig aufzurollen. In eine vorbereitete Muffin Form geben. 

Für ca. 20-30 Minuten im Ofen backen bis die Apfel Rose gold braun ist. 

Aus dem Ofen nehmen, abkühlen lassen und nach Wunsch mit Puderzucker und Zimt dekorieren. 

Zu der lauwarmen Apfel Rose passt eine Kugel bestes Vanilleeis, Aprikosensorbet oder auch eine hausgemachte Vanillesauce.  




  • 1  package fresh puff pastry or homemade
  • 2 – 3 red skin apples
  • 5 tbs apricot jam
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • powdered sugar, cinnamon (for decoration)


Preheat your oven to 375 F. or 190 C.

Wash the apples, slice them in half from top to bottom by removing the core ends. Scoop out the core in the center. Afterwards slice the apples into very thin slices; set them aside in a bowl and squeeze the lemon juice over the apple slices.

Remove puff pastry from the fridge and cut in 6 equal slices.

One at a time, spoon a thin layer of apricot jam onto each slice of pastry.

Tap the apple slices slightly dry with a paper towel if desired.

Place some apple slices along one half of the pastry with the peel side facing out. Fold the pastry in half to cover the apples.

Starting on one end, roll up the pastry and apples to the other end and place each one of them in a muffin tin.

Bake for 20 – 30 minutes, till golden brown.

Dust with a little powdered sugar and cinnamon if desired.

If you want, you may serve the warm apple rose with homemade vanilla sauce or some ice cream.

©Mr PUR by Christian J. Goldsmith

Reiberdatschi mit Apfelkompott



Pink Applesauce

  • 6-7 red-skin apples
  • 1 medium size cinnamon stick
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoon water


Wash the apples, quarter them, clean the core, leave on the skin.

In a heavy saucepan bring apples with water, salt and cinnamon stick to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until very soft and the apples fall apart.

Let cool completely and then pick out the loose apple skins.

Serve cold to your favorite dish or also as sweet treat.



  • 1,1 kg peeled semi-starched potatoes
  • 1 medium yellow onion (optional)
  • coarse salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup potato starch (60g)
  •  1/2 teaspoon baking powder (2g)
  •  1 cup vegetable oil (120ml)


In a food processor (or box grater), grate the potatoes and onion.

Pile the potato mixture on a clean dish towel, squeeze out the excess liquid, as much as you can.

Put in a bowl and mix with eggs, potato starch, baking powder, salt and pepper.

Heat a skillet over medium-high with the oil. Test if the oil is hot enough, when a small amount of potato mixture starts sizzling.

Work in small batches, creating the sizes you like by dropping the amount of mixture into the oil, press a bit on top to flatten.

Cook until crisp and golden, about 4 minutes per side, adjusting heat as needed.

Drain on paper towels. Add salt on top to your desire.

To keep them warm, preheat oven to 200 degree.

Serve them directly with the delicious pink applesauce on the side.

Serve et bon appétit!

©Mr PUR by Christian J. Goldsmith

Quinoa & Granatapfel mit black Tiger Prawns



  • 1 cup of Quinoa
  • 2cups of water
  • salt & pepper
  • 6-7 Saffron
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • 3 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 Tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup kale, cut into appropriate size
  • brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons pomegranate seeds
  • 1/4 cup cucumber granules
  • shredded parsley
  • 8 black tiger prawns

Clean the Quinoa with warm water in a sieve, and drain. Cook the Quinoa with two cups of water in a small pot, adding the bay leaf, salt, brown sugar and the Saffron, mix well, cover with a lid and bring to a boil.

After it has come to a boil, lower the heat and leave it for twenty minutes. Remove the pot from the heat, adding one tablespoon olive oil, stirring evenly. Recover the lid and cover the pot with an extra towel.

Wash, clean and dry the prawns.

Place the Quinoa in a big bowl, then add the parsley, kale, cucumber granules, stirring it evenly with the lemon juice and the olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Heat a pan, add some olive oil, and then fry the prawns until slightly cooked through.

Place all prepared ingredients on a plate, topping with the pomegranate seeds.

Serve et bon appétit!

©Mr PUR by Christian J. Goldsmith

Salat mit mariniertem Hähnchen

©Y!PE Fanning Tseng






About a palm full amount of Endive, Frisee, baby spinach leaves and wild herbs. Beetroot cut into fine pieces. Kale, and a tablespoon of coconut slice.



  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Japanese Rice wine
  • A pinch of coriander
  • A pinch of ginger
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 Lemon Juice
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 teaspoon shredded parsley


Chicken Breast marinated sauce:

  • Two pieces chicken breast without skin
  • 1 small red pepper
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil


Dressing for the Chicken Breast:

  • 5 tablespoons coconut milk
  • 1.5 spoonful of Beetroot powder  

Remove the chicken breasts from the fridge -  leave to get the room temperature.

Cut the red pepper into fine slices, add the fish sauce and sesame oil together, and then pour over the chicken breasts. Marinate the chicken breasts for twenty-five minutes.

Meanwhile wash the salad and drain it. Cut it to the appropriate size, place in a bowl.

Mix the mustard, rice wine, lemon juice, pepper and salt in a small bowl, then slowly add the olive oil. Continue stirring until all ingredients come together as a Vinaigrette. At last add the chopped parsley.

Mix the coconut milk and the Beetroot powder together in a small pot and cook slowly over a medium heat until the sauce reduces by about half of the amount. Put aside and let cool.

Meanwhile, remove the marinated chicken breasts from the sauce, and steam it for twenty minutes. Remove it from the pot and let cool. For placing cut the chicken in same thick slices.

Mix the salad and dressing in a bowl, and then place all prepared ingredients on a plate.

Top the chicken with the coconut sauce, sprinkle with coconut flakes. 

Serve et bon appétit!

©Mr PUR by Christian J. Goldsmith

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